Luc Darme

Luc Darme

I answer to as quickly as possible. Or you can find me in Lyon at IP2I, building Dirac, room 337.

Teaching and organisation-related experience

2021-2023, Graduate lectures Lectures in the master SUBA of Lyon University

Since arriving in IP2I, I have helped ponctually to give graduate-level lectures in particle physics master there. In particular, I have discussed more advanced topics, including the search for new light but hidden physics and the construction of so-called 'portal' operators describing the interactions of such objects with the standard model. I have also presented some of the theoretical tools used to describe heavy mesonic matter as an extension of the "QCD and hadronic matter".

Graduate school lectures GGI Theory Lectures by Young Researchers

I have given two thematic lectures at GGI on “The frontier of feebly interacting particles”, we can find them back here

Journée de Rencontre Jeunes Chercheurs 2021 Theory session coordinator

My role went beyond the organisation of the session to include an important component of coaching and supporting the students in the realisation of a first 'conference-type' talk. I further advised and accompanied them in the process of realising proceedings afterwards then reviewed their contributions.

2020, Rome Physics Encounters

I have organised at LNF along with Enrico Nardi the series "Rome Physics Encounters". This informal meeting is the second of the Rome physics encounter series. It aims at bringing together young speakers working or collaborating with the research groups in the Rome area.

In the spirit of workshops and conferences at LNF, talks are presented in a pedagogical way and plenty of time is scheduled to allow discussions among participants. You can find all the details here.

2013-2016, Bachelor-level classes. Jussieu - 3P021 - Electromagnetisme