Luc Darme

Luc Darme

I answer to as quickly as possible. Or you can find me in Lyon at IP2I, building Dirac, room 337.

Luc Darme

I am currently an MSCA fellow at IP2I in Lyon, after finishing a bit more than a year ago my second postdoc in LNF Frascati. I was previously in Warsaw for my first postdoc and did my PhD in Paris (UPMC Paris 6) in the LPTHE

My current research interest lies mainly in the study of models of Feebly Interacting Particles (FIPs), their link with the SM flavour problem and their detection prospects in beam dump, flavour and more generally intensity frontier experiments. I have a strong expertise on dark matter-related issue, in particular for light dark matter scenarios and may have ventured sometimes towards the study of phase transitions. Finally, I have been steadily involved in various study around phenomenology at LHC.

To get a better idea of what I am currently doing, you should simply check my Inspire HEP profile